About me
My name is Lia. I am a professional authenticity coach for women, psychotherapist, lecturer, a member of the SHE KNOWS Association and the International Coaching Federation (ICF). With a wealth of knowledge and diverse experiences, I help those who face seemingly insurmountable challenges in their lives.
authenticity coach for women

My personal journey towards authenticity led me from one course of study to another, through a variety of professions and pursuits that seem to have nothing in common. After completing my studies in Criminal Justice and Security, I obtained a Master’s degree in Government and European Studies, as well as a certificate in Transpersonal Cognitive Psychotherapy and Coaching. In my quest to answer life’s fundamental questions – who am I, why am I here, what is my purpose – I delved into research on psychedelics and their effects on mental health. My studies involved exploring a variety of techniques and approaches that can aid our pursuit of personal and spiritual advancement.
My professional career took me from journalism at Radio Slovenia, to working on real estate development projects, starting a consulting firm, heading a Firefighting school, and leading the Emergency Notification Centre of the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief of the Republic of Slovenia. My work has consistently involved managing people and projects at various levels of complexity and crisis management. I have been professionally active both at home and abroad. Notably, in 2021, I led the 2nd expedition of an international mission to extinguish a catastrophic wildfire in North Macedonia.
My personal circumstances have greatly shaped my life. Born a woman who was assigned male at birth, I spent four decades trying to live in a role that felt alien to me. At the age of 42, I finally prioritized my authenticity. I embarked on a transition, affirming the gender I had always identified with. My previous life crumbled overnight, and I had to rebuild it with my wife and children, in a new environment, surrounded by new people. This process was torturous, painful, and challenging, but ultimately rewarding.
Today, I live the way I felt was right since childhood – authentically, honestly and with a simple purpose: to use my life’s knowledge and experiences to contribute to others, perhaps even you. I conduct seminars, workshops and lectures, dedicating myself as a professional coach mainly to women who aspire to live an authentic life and make a difference in their profession. Together, we can find a way past taboos, societal norms, and limiting beliefs that prevent you from being who you want to be. Together, we can find a way to express yourself authentically in all aspects of life. You are not alone. I’m here for you.