“I have been a woman for as long as I can remember, even though I was born into a male body and have spent the past forty-two years trying to live as a man,” Lia Bordon recently wrote on her Facebook page. A year and a half ago, her life was turned upside down. Through self-exploration and inner work, she got to the bottom of her deepest secret: that she is actually a woman trapped in a man’s body. That’s when years of frustration, seeking validation through a variety of professions and constant inner turmoil finally made sense; it all came together, she says. The realization came as a huge relief, but it also presented her with the most difficult challenge of her life. She could quite easily have lost everything and been left on her own, but her family – her wife, Sara, and their two sons – have accepted the truth quite well (after the initial shock) and are now happier than ever.